In the traditional augmented reality techniques on mobile devices, the users must hold the devices in their hands as a viewing window to the physical world. Instead, the OHMD are attached to the users’ head, allowing them to view objects and related information by turning their heads and directly gazing at the objects. In a crowded urban environment surrounded by IoT devices, OHMD can reveal the presence and capability of the devices to users.
For this project, we explorer ways to control various Internet of Things Devices through Immersive Augmented Reality techniques. We even investigate the methods for preventing unintentional inputs while using wrist rotation for device configuration in such environment.
2016.11 "Prevention of Unintentional Input While Using Wrist Rotation for Device Configuration"
By Han Joo Chae, Jeongin Hwang, Yuri Choi, Yieun Kim, Kyle Koh, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Poster at UIST 2016, Oct 16-19, in Tokyo, Japan
Download Full PDF - Supplemental Video(YouTube Link) - Research Page@Here
[Best Note]
2016.06 "A Study on User Interface for Device Configuration with Wrist-Rotation Using AR and Wearables in IoT Environment"
(IoT환경에서 증강현실과 웨어러블 기기를 이용한 손목회전 기반 장치 제어 사용자 인터페이스에 대한 연구)
By Kyle Koh, Han Joo Chae, Yuri Choi, Jeongin Hwang, Yieun Kim, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Notes at KCC 2016, June 29-July 1, in Jeju, South Korea
Research Page@Here
2016.05 "Defining Rules Among Devices in Smart Environment Using an Augmented Reality Headset"
by Heonjin Park, Kyle Koh, Yuri Choi, Han joo Chae, Jeongin Hwang, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Note at Urb-Iot 2016, May 24-25, in Tokyo, Japan
Download Note PDF - Supplemental Video(YouTube Link) - Research Page@Here
2016.01 "A Notification Method using Augmented Reality and Object Recognition"
(증강현실과 물체인식을 통한 알림 기법)
by Heonjin Park, IEun Kim, Kyle Koh, Jinwook Seo
Presented as Abstract at HCI Korea 2016, Jan 27-29 in Jeongseon, South Korea.
Download Poster PDF (in Korean) - Research Page@Here